Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sweet Chestnut and Whiskey Jam

Sweet Chestnut and Whiskey Jam

I found this recipe in an old preserves book, and have made a few up to date changes for it. Its very simple to make, and avoids all that 'setting point' nonsense that fruit jam requires :) Plus it makes a wonderful christmas present!

You will need:

250g cooked peeled chestnuts - I used "Merchant Gourmet hand selected whole chestnuts - roasted and ready to use" It claims to be 200g but when I weighed it it was actually 250g
NB: of course you can use your own foraged sweet chestnuts, tho it is a bit more hassle!

1 Vanilla pod - or vanilla essense

150g Soft light brown sugar

1 Tablespoon of Whiskey

1 small sterilised jar - This recipe doesnt make much, double or triple it if you wish to make tons
- to sterile heat jar in the oven gas mark 4 for 20 mins


1. Put chestnuts in a pan and add enough water to cover. Add either vanilla pod, or half teaspoon of vanilla essence.

2. Bring to boil, reduce heat and cover and simmer for 30 mins. Stir occasionally, and make sure it doesnt boil dry (you can always add a bit more water)

3. Then remove vanilla pod (if used), and strain, but reserve the liquid!

4. Puree the chestnuts with blender, or potatoe masher.

5. Add about 100ml of the liquid back in again. Add half teaspoon more vanilla essense, or if using a pod scrape out and add the seeds

6. Add the sugar and stir. As the sugar disolves it should become a smooth puree

7. Bring to the boil and cook until it thickens. Keep stirring and it should take about 5 mins

8. Remove from the heat and add the whiskey and stir well.

9. Put into sterilised jars, cover with a circle of baking paper and put on air tight lid.

Leave to mature for 2 days in a cool dry place before eating, or store unopened for 6 months :)

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